Hi, I'm Jayanth Sai K

Self-Driven, Quick Starter, Just moving step-by-step forward to enhance my skills and knowledge.


“Passionate about harnessing the power of data to drive strategic decisions and fuel innovation, I am a dedicated data enthusiast currently seeking full-time opportunities as a Data Analyst or Data Scientist. With a solid foundation in mathematics and analytics, complemented by hands-on experience at startup2launch, I bring a unique blend of technical expertise and creativity to the table.

My journey as a data-driven software engineer has equipped me with the skills to develop reusable components and tackle complex engineering challenges, utilizing technologies like Angular and PrimeReact to deliver innovative solutions. Armed with a degree in Data Analytics Engineering from Northeastern University, I am slated to graduate in May 2024.

My proficiency extends to a range of skills vital to the roles of Data Analyst and Data Scientist, including data visualization, statistical analysis, machine learning, and predictive modeling. I excel in translating intricate datasets into actionable insights and compelling narratives that drive business success.

  • Languages: Python, Java, SQL, NoSQL Databases, R, HTML5, CSS3
  • Databases: MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
  • Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, OpenCV, CSV
  • Frameworks: Flask, Django, Node.js, Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Bootstrap, Apache
  • Softwares: Tableau, Medium, Flourish, Datawrapper, Google Collab
  • Tools: Visual Studio, Jupiter Notes, Word, Excel
  • Technologies: Git, AWS, GCP, Heroku
  • Soft Skills: Analytical Abilities, Teamwork, Collaboration, Creativity, Leadership.

If your organization is seeking a dynamic professional who thrives on turning data into strategic advantages, let's connect.Together, we can unlock the full potential of your data-driven initiatives.
Reach out to me at karri.j@northreastern.edu or (+1) 8574372696 to explore how we can collaborate.


  • Engineered a comprehensive React component library leveraging PrimeReact and Angular, improving development workflow and standardizing interfaces across company projects.
  • Spearheaded the integration initiative, delivering reusable components for seamless adoption by multiple teams, and promoting standardized application architecture.
  • Contributed to a collaborative school management system project, enhancing digital communication between students, educators, and administrative staff.
  • Tools: PrimeReact, Angular, EC2, AWS
MAY 2023 - PRESENT | Texas, USA
  • Gained insights on AWS cloud foundations and creating virtual instances in AWS cloud.
  • Hosted a website by creating and configure an ec2 instance in the AWS management console, other features like load balancing and storage services are also utilized for hosting the website.
  • Tools: Python, DevOps, CLI, SDKs, EC2, AWS Management Console
OCT 2021 - DEC 2021 | Vijayawada, India
  • Gained Knowledge in Programming Essentials using Python.
  • Worked on three web applications targeting customers, selling vendors, and admin users; built 50+ RESTful APIs with functionalities such as login/sign up, view a product, add a product to cart, checkout the order, etc.
  • Improved the response time by 20% by refactoring the codebase and changing database design and queries.
  • Added a bulk upload feature which reduced the manual work of adding products into a database.
  • Tools: Python, Flask, MongoDB
MAY 2021 - JUL 2021 | Vijayawada, India
  • Designed a library management system for a local library, where we undertook activities like requirement elicitation, preparing Data Flow and Entity-Relationship diagrams.
  • Delivered a solution for a POC involving Automatic Financial Document Classifier using Natural Language Processing and Support Vector Machines with 96% accuracy on the company’s data.
  • Tools: Python, Scikit-learn, NLTK
JUL 2020 - AUG 2020 | Vijayawada, India


time analysis app
Time Series Analysis On Human Activity Monitoring

A analysis based on Python

  • Tools: Python, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Collab
  • Created functions to incorporate time series analysis on human activity monitoring to create a forecasting model.
  • Developed custom python functions to input accelerometer data for 15 different subjects.
  • generating graphs to compute the outputs.
  • Compared multiple variables on Natural Visibility Graph (NVG) and Horizontal Visibility Graph (HVG) to determine end results.
  • Improved the accuracy of predictive models for health and wellness outcomes by utilizing the results of data analysis.
banking and financial app
Banking and Financial Services Management

A analysis based on SQL

  • Tools: Python IDE, My SQL, NoSQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Collab
  • Developed conceptual data models and mapped to relational database with over 10 entities.
  • Implemented business cases through MySQL and NoSQL databases to understand banking and financial database management systems.
  • Connected MySQL through Python IDE to perform analytics and gain insights on transaction, loan and other service trends.
employee access app
Prediction of Employee Access Control Using AI

A real-time module using AI & ML

  • Tools: Python , CSV, ML, Collab
  • Developed real-time modules to predict the "Employee Access Control" deploying ML Algorithm.
  • Obtained historical data in real-time from a company and discovered the data was imbalanced, conducted exploratory data analysis to clean the data and improve the accuracy of the model.
  • Evaluated the model's performance using metrics such as MCC, AUC, and ROC scores to specify model's ability to accurately predict the outcomes.
  • Monitored the forecasted results of various algorithms.
music streaming app
Music Player Web-App

A music streaming web app based on Django

  • Tools: Django, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SQLite, AWS S3, Heroku
  • Register/login to the web app(with OAuth-based Google Sign-In).
  • Search and filter songs based on language and singer.
  • Create multiple playlists and add/remove songs to/from playlist.
  • Scroll through recently played/viewed songs.
quiz app
Quiz Web-App

A quiz playing web app based on Django

  • Tools: Django, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SQLite, Heroku
  • Register/login to the web app(with OAuth-based Google Sign-In).
  • Play Quiz and see the leaderboard
Screenshot of web app
Blog Web-App

A simple and extensible blog web-app based on Flask.

  • Tools: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Postgresql, Python
  • Users can view posts and contact the admin via Contact Page.
  • Admin can Add, Delete, Update posts.
Screenshot of  web app
Visual Question Answering

An attention-based classification model that aims at generating an answer for a given input image.

  • Incorporated Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) for extracting image features and Long Short Term Memory for extracting question embeddings.
  • Tested the model on the COCO dataset, abstract scenes images, and got 69% overall accuracy on the VQA evaluation metric.
Screenshot of  web app
Video Summarizer

A Seq2Seq model that generates a short summary of the given input video.

  • Incorporated CNN to detect and classify objects in the video frames and Long Short Term Memory for generating a summary.
  • Evaluated the model on MSVD (Microsoft Video Description Corpus) dataset; achieved 0.77, 0.71, 0.52 scores respectively on ROGUE, BLEU, METEOR evaluation metrics.
Screenshot of  web app
Image Generator

An image generator based on the concept of adversarial networks (GANs)

  • Developed system was tested on a human-face database and loss was calculated by comparing the PCAs of generated and original image.
  • Calculated difference in PCA was less than 10%, depicting the successful generation of an image by the generator.
Screenshot of  web app
Head Counting System

A system that calculates the attendance of the class from a panoramic image of a live classroom.

  • Used Singular Value Decomposition for image compression; applied various image processing techniques and morphological operations to detect the number of heads.


Languages and Databases







Google Collab


Visual Studio
Jupiter Notes




Northeastern University

Boston, MA

Degree: Master of Science in Data Analytics Engineer
CGPA: 3.5/4.0

    Relevant Course:

    • Machine Learning
    • Foundations of Data Analytics
    • Data Management for Analytics
    • Probability and Statistics
    • Computation and Visualization
    • Data Mining
    • Deterministic Operational Research

Dhanekula Institute of Engineering And Technology

Vijayawada, India

Degree: Computer Science And Enginering
CGPA: 3.2/4.0

    Relevant Course:

    • Discrete Mathematics
    • Principles of Programming Languages
    • Database Management Systems
    • Distributed Computing
    • Computer Networks
    • Object Oriented Programming
